About Us

Since 1883, Modern Woodmen of America has brought people together, supported families and strengthened communities.

About Us
Modern Woodmen of America, Rock Island, IL

Looking for a meaningful career?

Grow with Modern Woodmen! As a financial representative, you can make a positive impact for your family and your community.

Financial Planning

We can help you meet your current needs, achieve your future dreams and plan for all stages of life.

Planning for Life
Stories of strength from our history
A female nurse taking care of a male patient at Modern Woodmen's tuberculosis camp in 1909.

Persevering Through Uncertain Times

Our Products

Modern Woodmen maintains a portfolio of high-quality financial products that can help you meet a wide range of life needs.

Our Products
Don't know where to start?
Couple meeting with a Financial Rep

Financial planning

Browse our helpful tips and articles to understand what’s important to you and your loved ones.

Resource Hub

Visit our Resource Hub to learn more about life insurance and potential solutions to protect you and your loved ones. It’s a great place to find the answers to your questions and some hints from professionals.

Visit Resource Hub
Life insurance at each life stage

Life-changing events

It’s important to reevaluate your insurance coverage every year or at every major, life-changing event. Learn why this matters so much.

My Membership

When you join Modern Woodmen, you become a member of the organization. You trust us with your financial needs. And you have the opportunity to access fraternal member programs and impact your community.

My Membership
Member Website
Father daughter playing together

Member Website Overview

Make a payment, update your address, and access account information, online forms and fraternal programs from the member website.

Why Do Women Need Life Insurance?

What you should know – no matter your marital/family status.

Article Hero Image
Article Hero Image

Why do you believe in life insurance?

That’s the question. For many of us, the answer’s based on a feeling. It isn’t what we buy life insurance for, but who. Our reason is someone. Our reason is love.

Daughters, mothers, wives – there’s reason for us all to get life insurance. No matter your current marital/family status.

Primary breadwinner

Nearly 4 in 10 women are the primary breadwinners for their families. If you fall into this category, you need life insurance. The proceeds will help cover your family’s day-to-day expenses and your funeral costs if you die. Down the road, the money could help your kids afford college or your spouse meet retirement goals.

Secondary earner

About two-thirds of American households have dual incomes. If your paycheck helps support your children and/or your partner, you need life insurance. The money will give financial support to your family if you die, helping them maintain their current lifestyle.

Single mom

Life insurance is a must for anyone with dependent children. You likely shoulder all the responsibilities of raising your family. Life insurance can provide financial security in your absence. Don’t worry – coverage isn’t as expensive as you may think. Your Modern Woodmen rep can help you find an option to meet your needs and budget.

Stay-at-home mom

Think you don’t need life insurance? Think again. You provide services that are just as important to your family’s well-being as work outside the home. If you died, your family would need someone to handle all the household duties you currently shoulder. Life insurance would help cover those major costs.

Single woman

No dependents? You can still benefit from life insurance – especially the permanent kind. Build up cash value, which you can borrow for emergencies or supplemental retirement income. When you die, the proceeds can go toward final expenses or to leave a legacy as a charitable contribution.

Quick Stats

Nearly half of adult women believe they need more life insurance. (Source: LIMRA)

46% of women have life insurance, compared to 57% of men. (Source: LIMRA)

Women make up more than 56% of our workforce. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)

4 in 10 mothers are primary breadwinners for their families. (Source: U.S. Census Bureau)

Two-thirds of households are dual-income. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Find the right plan for you

Your ideal plan takes your needs, family situation and budget into consideration. And good news: Women’s life insurance rates are typically lower than men’s – especially if you’re healthy. Contact a Modern Woodmen rep to learn more about your options.

Your financial representative

Meet a Modern Woodmen representative in your community and begin to explore how shared values can work for you.

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Cameron Cameron
Phone: 000-000-0000
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Additional products and services

Talk to a representative to see what's best for you.

Term life insurance

Term life insurance

No one expects to have a fatal accident, get sick or die too soon, but what if? What if those who depend on your income no longer could? Term life insurance can be an affordable way to get the protection you need to keep your family, your business, and your hopes and dreams alive. With term life insurance, your beneficiaries receive income-tax free money if you die during the term period – without the delays and expense of probate.

Final Wishes Resources
Fraternal program

Final Wishes Resources

Get your “house” in order and share your late-in-life/end-of-life wishes … or help a loved one with this important task. These guides help members plan, organize and start conversations.