About Us

Since 1883, Modern Woodmen of America has brought people together, supported families and strengthened communities.

About Us
Modern Woodmen of America, Rock Island, IL

Looking for a meaningful career?

Grow with Modern Woodmen! As a financial representative, you can make a positive impact for your family and your community.

Financial Planning

We can help you meet your current needs, achieve your future dreams and plan for all stages of life.

Planning for Life
Stories of strength from our history
A female nurse taking care of a male patient at Modern Woodmen's tuberculosis camp in 1909.

Persevering Through Uncertain Times

Our Products

Modern Woodmen maintains a portfolio of high-quality financial products that can help you meet a wide range of life needs.

Our Products
Don't know where to start?
Couple meeting with a Financial Rep

Financial planning

Browse our helpful tips and articles to understand what’s important to you and your loved ones.

Resource Hub

Visit our Resource Hub to learn more about life insurance and potential solutions to protect you and your loved ones. It’s a great place to find the answers to your questions and some hints from professionals.

Visit Resource Hub
Life insurance at each life stage

Life-changing events

It’s important to reevaluate your insurance coverage every year or at every major, life-changing event. Learn why this matters so much.

My Membership

When you join Modern Woodmen, you become a member of the organization. You trust us with your financial needs. And you have the opportunity to access fraternal member programs and impact your community.

My Membership
Member Website
Father daughter playing together

Member Website Overview

Make a payment, update your address, and access account information, online forms and fraternal programs from the member website.

Covering 4 Key Retirement Topics

A Modern Woodmen financial representative can help you make sense of retirement planning and distribution.

Article Hero Image
Retirement distribution
Article Hero Image
Retirement distribution

Am I ready to retire?

If you’re unsure, a Modern Woodmen representative can help you work through these questions. Start by asking yourself these six questions:

  1. Have I saved enough?
  2. How much income will I need at retirement?
  3. Are my investments in the right place?
  4. Will my retirement income last as long as I do?
  5. Will I have to work during retirement?
  6. When should I start my Social Security benefits?


Which pension payout option should I choose?

If you’re a worker with a pension plan, be aware of your options when it’s finally time to collect on those years of hard work. You may be asked to choose between two common payout options. Each has advantages and disadvantages.

Straight-life option

  • Advantage: You receive the highest possible payout.
  • Disadvantage: Payments stop at your death. This could leave your spouse without an important income source.

Joint-and-survivor option

  • Advantage: Payments continue for the duration of your life and your spouse’s life.
  • Disadvantage: You receive a lower (often substantially) payout from the start. Your spouse, if still living at your death, receives a payout that could be further reduced (depending on your plan).


How can I make my money last?

The chance of you running out of money in retirement depends on how and when you access retirement accounts – and what you do with the money afterward.

One solution: Some retirees use an immediate annuity to create a paycheck for life. With this financial vehicle, you turn a portion of your retirement savings into a stream of guaranteed, stable and predictable income payments. The payments will last for your lifetime or for the combined lifetimes of you and another person. It’s kind of like creating your own pension plan.

It’s important to have other funds for emergencies, discretionary spending and inflation protection. A Modern Woodmen representative can help you develop a strategy that’s right for you.


How can I spend my required minimum distributions (RMDs)?

Many retirement plans, such as IRAs and 401(k)s, receive special tax treatment. Because of this, the IRS imposes a number of rules regarding withdrawals from these types of accounts.

One rule: You must start taking money from your plan at a certain age … whether you need the money or not. If you don’t take these required minimum distributions (RMDs), you risk a hefty penalty.

You can use your distributions to:

  1. Pay your bills. This is the obvious one. If you need your required minimum distributions for everyday living, use them. You could save what’s left in an emergency fund.
  2. Make your money work for you. Use your RMD money to cover life insurance or long-term care insurance premiums. Contribute to an annuity. Open a mutual fund.
  3. Help a favorite charity. There are plenty of worthwhile causes that need your support. And you might be able to enjoy some tax breaks while you’re at it.
  4. Buy something you’ve always wanted. It’s your money, and you worked hard for it. Give yourself permission to splurge occasionally.
  5. Plan a bucket-list vacation. Again, give yourself permission to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Want to enjoy Alaskan crab in Alaska? Do it.
  6. Replace the leaky basement windows. Or the cracked countertop. Or the carpet with the juice stains from when your kids were little. It will add value to your home. (And it may get your spouse and/or kids off your case for a while!)

Your financial representative

Meet a Modern Woodmen representative in your community and begin to explore how shared values can work for you.

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Cameron Cameron
Phone: 000-000-0000
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Additional products and services

Talk to a representative to see what's best for you.

​Brokerage accounts

​Brokerage accounts

Brokerage accounts allow you to invest in a wider array of securities products, including: Mutual funds, Stocks, Bonds, Exchange traded funds.

Fraternal program


These local groups of Modern Woodmen members come together regularly for social, educational and volunteer activities. Chapter activities are experiences, not sales events, and are open to members of all ages. Members 55 and older can also participate in Summit chapters – special groups targeted to the interests of this age group.